Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sheets by Damien Jurado

Sometimes when I listen to music, I picture a montage someone's life, experiences, emotions, loves, and losses running through my mind. Not all the time, and yes- this may sound extremely abnormal but hey, whatever man. Usually it isn't cohesive, and may not make sense but it is just the way I experience good music. This was most definitely the case when I heard the song "Sheets" by Damien Jurado (conveniently listed below).

I wanted to post the video/song first because I'm going to talk about my feelings.

It may not make sense, but basically this is how I envision this song. It's a Texas windswept range-land with black rocks jutting out like broken teeth from the hilly, sagebrush strewn and scorched earth.  In the distance an early afternoon rain storm sweeps in, though the sun continues to light the sky in a soft yellow and gray light that only magical afternoons can produce. The main character moves off of a ridge line and out of frame, probably a cowboy type character on a horse. Cut to some time later that day, he is in a little farm house, white washed and wood floored. The sky is a rolling sea of gray, but just enough light is let through to let him see a young woman in a white sundress. The clouds open up and the rain comes down hard and fast. Almost no sounds can be heard over the sound of the rain...

and THAT is what I thought when I heard this song.


  1. This song is freaking phenomenal. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This song is really good. Your vision of what happens during the song reminds me of an old early 90's music video, possibly Soundgarden or Pearl Jam-ish. Which, let's be honest, early 90's videos are some of the best music videos around.
